Find Your Balance
Balance problems can stem from a number of body systems —your muscles, bones, joints, vision, the balance organ in the inner ear, nerves, heart and blood vessels. These body systems must work normally for you to have normal balance. When these systems aren’t functioning well, you can experience balance problems. With loss of balance comes the possibly of a fall and further injury. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths and serious health problems in the United States and bad falls are a constant worry for seniors and others who have physical challenges.
Balance issues can be directly related to previous low back or lower extremity injury, certain medications, ear infection, a head injury, or anything else that affects the inner ear or brain. Problems that affect the skeletal or visual systems, such as arthritis or eye muscle imbalance, canal so cause balance disorders. Hip and ankle weakness often leads to balance problems, as does poor posture.
Along with loss of balance, you may also feel dizzy, as if the room is spinning, unsteady, light-headed or that you’re going to fall down. The symptoms you feel can happen whether you’re lying down, sitting or standing.
Things that can affect your balance
- Injury to your trunk, low back, hip, knee, ankle or foot
- Infections of your ear
- Inner ear problems
- Head injury/concussion
- Poor blood circulation
- Certain medications
- Lowblood pressure
- High blood pressure
- Feelings of vertigo
Quick links
Dancers and other Performing Artists have unique needs for balance control. Contact us here to learn more about how PAARTS can help you improve your turns, stay on the balance beam or land your toe loop.
How can we help?
Strength and flexibility movements can help counteract many of these problems while certain treatments which will help with the symptoms of dizziness and vertigo.
We will assess your gait, muscle strength and weakness to determine potential problems with the musculoskeletal system or your posture. We will then design a program to begin improving your balance, walking proficiency, and reaction to changing surfaces which will decrease your risk of fall and injury. If you are having additional symptoms of dizziness or vertigo, we will discuss additional treatment options we offer to aid in resolving those issues.
With our plan, you’ll regain confidence in navigating diverse terrains and learn tools to avoid dizzy spells.
A Big THANK YOU to Katy Ewalt for helping me to realign and heal my body that has been compromised by two hip replacements and one hip revision. After years of leaning forward as I walked, rocking sided to side, and having one leg turn out and the other leg turn slightly inward from the hip joint, through Katy’s exercise program, I am now walking with an almost normal gait and with no rocking. I am finally beginning to feel balanced and strong.
Reina Bolles
At one session I mentioned to Katy that I had been having some pretty severe vertigo. Katy said that she could help with that. As I rested on my back on the treatment table, she held my head in her hands and very slowly and gently moved my head into different positions. The treatment was so gentle, and I was so relaxed, that I almost fell asleep while Katy worked. But the best part is that after a few sessions, my vertigo began to clear up and has not returned.
Joyce Schumaker