Decompress and Detoxify
Cupping therapy is an ancient healing technique used to ease pain. Present day cupping practices stem from traditional techniques that have been transformed with modern health technology and are used to treat most areas of the body safely and effectively. Cupping therapy is sought after by people from all walks of life, including professional athletes and performing artists, active individuals, and even sedentary persons with pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, back pain, or arthritis.
What does cupping therapy do?
Cupping uses suction to draw blood and stagnant “energy” to or away from specific areas of your body. Cupping is used to relieve conditions that cause pain. Some people say it also helps with chronic (ongoing) health issues.
Cupping may ease symptoms of:
- Arthritis (including rheumatoid arthritis)
- Back pain, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain
- Asthma and breathing issues
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Headaches and migraines
- Any many more
How does cupping work?
A provider places cups on your back, stomach, arms, legs or other parts of your body. A vacuum or suction force inside the cup pulls your skin upward. The suction from cupping draws fluid into the treated area. This suction force expands and breaks open tiny blood vessels (capillaries) under your skin. Your body replenishes the cupped areas with healthier blood flow and stimulates proper and normal healing at a cellular level. Because of this effect, some people think that cupping releases toxins.
What should I expect after cupping?
The suction force from cupping breaks open tiny blood vessels called capillaries. After cupping you may have red, round cupping therapy marks that should fade in a week or two. These marks will look like bruises, but they’re not true bruises that injure muscle fibers. Many people who’ve had cupping therapy report that it:
- Reduces pain and inflammation.
- Decreases muscle tightness.
- Improves blood flow and circulation.
- Increases range of motion.
- Encourage whole-body comfort and relaxation.
- Increase pain threshold.
- Remove toxins from your body.
- Stimulate your peripheral nervous system.